You can enhance Penn State DuBois excellence by giving in a variety of ways - endowments, scholarships, program support, faculty support, and planned giving or through a number of creative ways to support our campus needs. Give online and designate your gift to Penn State DuBois.
Endowed gifts are unique in that they are endowed in perpetuity, they continue to grow and thus become even more valuable over time, and they allow the donor to participate in setting the guidelines for use of the funds.
Nothing else we do to improve the quality of a Penn State education will matter if students and families can’t afford the opportunities we offer. Scholarships are the University’s top priority. Every year, we lose talented, dedicated students because of the cost of a Penn State degree. Many undergraduates work multiple jobs while carrying a full course load, yet students are graduating with an average personal debt of more than $37,000. These financial realities restrict the dreams of far too many students and families. With the help of our alumni and friends, we can ensure that our opportunities remain accessible for students whose means may be limited but whose ability and ambition are limitless.
Program Support
To remain in the forefront of learning Penn State DuBois must constantly refresh and renew its academic programs and move into new disciplines as opportunities arise. In a sense, program support serves as "venture capital" that allows the campus to retain leadership in many of the fields in which it already has distinguished itself, and to create entire new fields of study to better serve the Commonwealth and the nation.
Faculty Support
Endowed chairs and professorships are among the most important resources any university can have in assembling and maintaining a distinguished faculty. Such positions provide honor and recognition for the men and women who hold them, but they also provide something more important – a stable, dependable source of income for special teaching and research materials, library acquisitions, salary supplements, and travel assistance.
Planned Giving
People are often unsure of the definition of planned giving. A gift is “planned” to the extent that the donor purposefully integrates a charitable gift into the donor’s overall financial, tax, and estate planning. A planned gift enables a donor to make a positive financial difference for the donor and for his family, while also making an important gift to Penn State. Planned gifts are often thought of as ‘leaving a legacy’ that benefits not only the donor and the donor’s family, but also future generations.
Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC)
The Pennsylvania Department of Community Economic Development has approved the Corporation for Penn State as an Educational Improvement Organization under the EITC program. This designation allows businesses to contribute to Penn State DuBois innovative educational programs such as Math Options (middle school), Video Game Day (middle/high school), Dual Enrollment (juniors and seniors) and BEST Robotics Competition (middle/high school) to receive a tax credit in addition to their federal charitable deduction.
For more information
Contact Michelle Houser at 814-867-6150 or